

佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔市全佛罗里达州软水机队在水处理行业工作多年后, in 2005 Glenn Copp saw a need in his local community for treated water for the purpose of better living and established 全佛罗里达软水 of St. 约翰. 从那时起,全佛罗里达软水就成了北佛罗里达的 最值得信赖的水软化剂和过滤供应商, dedicated to delivering quality 产品s and services at a fair price to residents throughout North Florida.

当你研究软水器时, 水过滤, 净化系统,你会学到有几十种选择. Let Dave Copp and his experienced team provide a FREE WATER TEST and we’ll recommend the best 产品s for your home or business. 我们一直提供定制住宅 水软化剂和水净化解决方案 圣. 约翰 County and surrounding areas and look forward to the opportunity to make your water clearly better.

评论 bepaly   申请免费的水测试


我强烈推荐全佛罗里达软水. 戴夫很专业,反应灵敏,灵活,和他一起工作很愉快. 他回答了我所有的问题,对产品非常了解. 安装很快,克里斯做得很好! 围绕卓越的客户服务.
佛罗里达的水有很多问题. 克里回答了我和我丈夫的许多问题. 知识渊博,愿意去沃卢西亚县的新家安装系统. 强烈推荐这家公司.
Shane was great with the initial analysis and was able to confirm the ability to install the water softener in the house vs outside. 保罗准时、专业、彻底地完成了安装工作. 在这么小的空间里装一个软水器并不容易,但我很高兴... 尽最大努力完成任务. 谢谢你们两位!!!阅读更多
J H.
优质的服务,优惠的价格.. 跟肖恩聊了聊预约的事一切都很专业.Dalton who came for getting the 系统 installed was very knowledgeable and was able to complete everything in a timely manner and neatly. 我一定会推荐这家公司的.
我们刚搬到佛罗里达州东北部,被告知要与团队联系. From first phone call to install the team were friendly, informed and extremely nice to work with. 没有压力销售,他们让作品自己说话. 会很高兴地向任何考虑将其用于软水器的人推荐吗
Shane Brewer offered expert professional advice and thoroughly checked my old 系统 and made recommendations to meet my needs. 他用一种我能理解的方式说着“水的东西”. 道尔顿及时、专业地安装了我的系统,并回答了我所有的问题. 我强烈推荐这个... 公司为我公司外装水软化系统. 不要给管道公司打电话. 这家公司将安装, 提供一个外部套筒,以保护免受元素, 如有需要,将提供服务. 我真希望我先给他们打电话! 谢谢你!!阅读更多
友好的人 ! 很棒的柔软剂,我用了5年多了,从来没有出过问题 . Came and purchased salt everyone in the building was willing to help even brought it out to my car .
我们刚从贵公司购买了一套新的水处理系统, 我们想给你一些当之无愧的荣誉. 受到赞扬的原因是销量 & 我们收到的服务远远超过了正常的销售电话.吉姆的演讲非常出色... AO史密斯水处理. We explained to Jim the problem we are/were having, on our glassware we had a white cloudy film. 看起来像是硬水问题,从杰克逊维尔市来的水,你永远不知道. 我们以前有Rainsoft的水处理装置, 我们不知道这个单位的历史, 我们只知道是时候改变了. 我怀疑膜需要更换了.我们联系了以下水处理销售团队, 好市多(生态水), 洛斯(AO Smith), 和家得宝(没人bepaly). 生态供水系统显示,我们的水龙头里有软水. 我们得到了一个非常昂贵的系统 & 如果把它放在我们想要的地方,公司会向我们收取更多的费用. 然后吉姆·布罗楚来了,他也做了水测试 & 这表明我们确实有软水被送到水龙头里. 然而, 我们尝到了咸味, 尽管我为Rainsoft系统安装了一个新的冰箱过滤器. 吉姆提供给我们的系统正是我们所考虑的预算. 这个出价对我们家来说很划算,也符合我们的需求. So, we purchased it not knowing if this would bring us water we could drink straight from our taps.我们和吉姆·布罗楚当场购买了AO史密斯系统. He stated he did not know if this will help with the “Hard Water/Calcium stains” on our glassware. 然而,我们提前知道了这一点,我们必须测试系统来解决这个问题. 都是吉娜 & 我非常有信心这是一个可行的解决方案. 我们会继续检查并向您报告良好的结果.现在来看看道尔顿和他的服务电话. Dalton arrived on time; in fact, he was early. 我向道尔顿展示了我们的Rainsoft系统在哪里,以及我们想把AO Smith系统安置在哪里. 他同意我们为新系统找到了一个很好的位置. 他打开系统的包装,把它放在我们选择的地方. Dalton got started and he also stated that we had a great for thought of placing a pipe for future use under our newly poured sidewalk and driveway. 当道尔顿安装设备时,我花了一些时间阅读了用户手册. Before long Dalton had the new unit plumbed and the Rainsoft 系统 removed from its housed area which was outside. 我们非常喜欢AO史密斯系统的专业安装和外观,美观整洁. Dalton also helped me disconnect our refrigerator water filter that was part of the Rainsoft 系统 that was behind our refrigerator. Dalton explained as well as took the time demonstrate the 系统 and the new valves to perform services on the 系统 if needed. Dalton asked us to run the cold water for about 10 minutes to flush any debris if happens to be in the lines. 他还说我们应该在浴缸里放热水来冲洗系统. 我们按他的建议做了,没有发现任何问题. 我们对道尔顿的专业精神非常满意吗, 他有能力让所有佛罗里达软水公司的顾客满意, 公司.We went about our normal life and came home and filled the holes from the old Rainsoft 系统 with soil. With some other maintenance done in our yard I was finally ready for my shower with the new AO Smith Water Treatment. 哇,这是多么大的不同啊,水从来没有这样的感觉. 这是非常清新和令人振奋的, 都是吉娜 and I are happy to have purchased an AO Smith Water Treatment from 全佛罗里达软水, 公司.Mr. 科布, I have to say that whatever you’re doing for the motivation of your employees please keep doing it. 因为我们从来没有想过写信给一家公司的老板去表扬他们的员工 & 出色的工作,超越了销售的要求 & 服务.阅读更多
戴夫是业内最优秀、最有经验的专业人士之一. He is the best guy to get a high quality water softer installed and has excellent communication and customer service. 强烈推荐! 给他们打个电话!
很棒的公司,很棒的服务. 我总是读评论,人们对全佛罗里达的评价很高——他们是对的. 超级友好,信息丰富,很棒的客户服务. Ed Powles was great at providing all the info we needed and finding a solution for what works best and installation from Dalton... 谢弗是轻而易举的事. 强烈推荐.阅读更多
SJ Rivera - R.
他们很专业,有礼貌,而且信息丰富. From the person who came to give us an estimate to the person who installed our two 系统s and the office staff answering emails, 每个人都很有效率,乐于助人. 我会把它们推荐给任何想要安装软水器和反渗透的人... 系统. 我们对他们提供的服务非常满意.阅读更多
我会毫不犹豫地推荐全佛罗里达软水. 这段经历从麦克·托托拉叔叔开始, 完成安装程序, 道尔顿是我的荣幸. 他们知识渊博、风度翩翩、专业. 道尔顿很准时,没有浪费时间去工作... 甚至花时间给我解释他的一些作品. 干得好,全佛罗里达!!阅读更多
10月21日18:19 27
我有一个用了5年的软化剂系统. 最近我们洗澡的时候感觉水不够软了. Michael T from 全佛罗里达软水 came in and did some check and reset and confirmed it is running as expected. 他建议用盐晶体代替我们的电流... 球团矿. We also have overflowing issue for the water coming out of the softener 系统 due to recent rain. 他建议我们加一根加长的管子,这样水就能排到后院更远的地方. 总的来说,体验非常好. 我强烈推荐他们.阅读更多
Wendong L.
很棒的服务和更棒的产品! 总的来说,我必须给他们5次首发机会!!!! 我会把这个推荐给那些家里有自来水的人! 谢谢你所做的一切,全佛罗里达软水公司!!!!
This is our second time using 全佛罗里达软水 and we couldn't be happier with both of our experiences. 我强烈推荐他们! 他们的服务又快又专业,客户服务也很棒.
P M.
惊人的服务! We were looking for a soft water company since we moved 圣 Augustine (about 8 months ago) and all of these companies and sales man felt too pushy, 强迫, 过多的营销 , 有些人甚至不尊重, 还有那么多挨家挨户的人. 这些人要价7000美元... 8000美元买了一个水软化系统!!. 我们很高兴等了这么久,终于找到了全佛罗里达软水, 我们花了2美元多一点,这个过程很容易, 迈克很友好, 知识渊博,专业. 安装速度非常快,他们准时到达,上午11点前离开. 非常感谢你的优质服务. 我们对我们的软水机非常满意阅读更多
Ornela J.
我们非常感谢佛罗里达软水公司,尤其是道尔顿, our punctual service installer as he was able to completely connect the 系统 in less than 60 minutes and to Shane, who tested our water at 18 grains which is not pretty at al very direct (not very pushy or trying to upsell us... 要么),并提供有关整个过程的信息, 包括总价格在1900美元,包括保修的护理软专业RC, 在他们的产品体系中,对我们来说是最好的交易, definitely beats Costco additionally as all the parts are made in the USA as we have shopped around for many months and we are so glad that we chose this company and immediately referred them to our friend Al and his family who has been also shopping for a 系统 for quite awhile.They had their 系统 installed less than two weeks ago and have told us the results and agreed with our feedback on the difference it makes on their drinking water and skin while showering.谢谢AFSW团队,继续努力🙂阅读更多
Seizo P.
我让全佛罗里达软水公司在我的新家安装了一个软水机. 这是我与这家公司的第二次软水机,因为我的第一次经验是积极的. I feel Dave and his crew goes above and beyond to make sure the customer has everything they need and are satisfied. 他们提供了很好的... 产品, 击败竞争对手的出价, made sure I had the water shut off set up I wanted and helped me out when I needed to temporarily move the salt tank. 我对这家公司赞不绝口. 我有很高的期望,他们每次都超出了我的期望.阅读更多
03:17 16 Feb 21
Michael did a great job explaining the benefits of their softener and answering comparative questions to help me make an informed decision about what was right for us. 他的知识和价格使这个决定很容易. 道尔顿和谢恩都是出色的安装人员,他们来得有点早,... 高质量的安装工艺, 彻底清理干净, 教我怎么用新的柔软剂. 我太高兴了.阅读更多
Kevin P.
经历了艰难的开始, 而我的想法可能无法调和, 店主和服务经理都介入了,为我们扭转了一切. 老板的介入是一种令人耳目一新的体验, 不仅要承担全部责任, 但更重要的是要真诚地关心... 把系统正确地安装好,并且在某种程度上为我们的家工作. 戴夫是小企业主的典型代表, 我很乐意向任何朋友推荐全佛罗里达软水, 家庭成员, 或邻居. 谢谢你!!阅读更多



你的杯子是半满还是半空? 你每天喝足够的水吗?












With all these life critical functions in your body at stake… doesn’t it make sense to only consume high-quality water!
